In California, which is the largest residential solar market in the U.S. by a wide margin, from January 2015 to December 2015, National Installers SolarCity, Sunrun and Vivint showed higher sales... read more →
Arizona solar penetration reached 5.8% in 2016 through Septemberr (82,334 residential installations in 1.4 million single family homes). The zip code with the greatest penetration was 85396 in Buckeye, which... read more →
The average price for residential solar lease/PPAs in California in June declined 6.3% to $4.95/Watt versus $5.28 in June of 2015. Lease/PPA prices have been below $5.00 for the last... read more →
California solar penetration reached 7.2% in 2016 (498,801 residential installations in 6.9 million single family homes). The zip code with the greatest penetration was 93314 in Bakersfield, which has reached... read more →
The residential solar market in California increased by 22.8% through May of 2016 versus the same period in 2015, increasing from 54,703 installations in 2015 to 67,163 in 2016 YTD.... read more →
California Residential Solar Growth California solar installations increased by over 20% in the 1st quarter of 2016 with 41,471 installations, compared to 34,539 in the first quarter of 2015. Total... read more →